Cash Back. The Way You Want It
- ^Spend refers to eligible retail purchases as defined in the Citi Cash Back+ Cardmember's Agreement. For full terms and conditions, visit
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Important Information
From 1 April 2016, if you wish to have a free credit report, you may obtain it within 30 calendar days upon receipt of your Citi Credit Card via the credit bureau website listed below. In the event you are unable to do so, please bring your NRIC to the following credit bureau's registered office to obtain the report.
Credit Bureau (Singapore) Pte Ltd
2 Shenton Way
#20-02 SGX Centre 1
Singapore 068804
Tel: (65) 6565 6363
Note: The free credit report does not apply to applicants of Citi secured cards, Citi Corporate Cards (Sole Corporate Liability), Citi Purchasing Card and Citi Travel Account.
Double Swiping
The magnetic stripe on your credit or debit card contains sensitive payment card data. To protect your information, the magnetic stripe of your credit or debit card should not be swiped on Point-of-Sale readers or Electronic Cash Registers which is known as "double swiping".
Inserting or dipping a chip-enabled credit or debit card in a payment card terminal for payment is not considered as double swiping.
For more information on double swiping, please visit