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Enjoy 25% off voucher redemptions with your Points/Miles

Citi Prestige Card

Citi PremierMiles Card

Citi Rewards Card &
Other Citi Credit Cards
Valid until 28 Feb 2025

How to redeem the vouchers on the Citi Mobile® App

S$20 Bengawan Solo Voucher
4,780 Points
6,380 Points
1,860 Miles
2,500 Miles
S$50 Paradise Group Voucher
12,600 Points
16,800 Points
4,900 Miles
6,550 Miles
S$10 Starbucks Voucher
2,520 Points
3,360 Points
980 Miles
1,310 Miles
S$50 Swensen’s Voucher
10,650 Points
14,250 Points
4,150 Miles
5,550 Miles
S$20 Takashimaya Department Store Voucher
5,040 Points
6,720 Points
1,960 Miles
2,620 Miles
S$50 TANYU Singapore Voucher
13,950 Points
18,650 Points
5,400 Miles
7,250 Miles
S$50 TWG Tea Voucher
11,300 Points
15,100 Points
4,400 Miles
5,900 Miles
S$50 Best Denki Voucher
11,950 Points
15,950 Points
4,650 Miles
6,200 Miles
S$10 COURTS Voucher
2,390 Points
3,190 Points
930 Miles
1,250 Miles
S$10 DFI Retail Group SG Gift Voucher
2,440 Points
3,260 Points
950 Miles
1,270 Miles
S$30 Esso Synergy Fuels Voucher
7,170 Points
9,570 Points
2,790 Miles
3,720 Miles
S$50 Pororo Park Singapore Gift Card
13,950 Points
18,650 Points
5,400 Miles
7,250 Miles
S$30 Shell Voucher
7,320 Points
9,780 Points
2,850 Miles
3,810 Miles
S$10 Sheng Siong Voucher
2,800 Points
3,740 Points
1,090 Miles
1,460 Miles


Citi ThankYouSM Rewards and Redemption Catalogue

What is Citi ThankYou Rewards?
Citi ThankYou Rewards is a loyalty program that lets you redeem your Points/Miles for rewards, including vouchers, points transfer and even cash rebates to your Citi Credit Card account.
Am I eligible to participate in Citi ThankYou Rewards?
If you hold one of the following Citi Credit Cards, you are automatically enrolled in Citi ThankYou Rewards.
  • Citi Rewards Visa/Mastercard®
  • Citi Platinum Visa/Mastercard®
  • Citi Clear Visa/Mastercard®
  • Citi Clear Platinum Visa/Mastercard®
  • Citi ULTIMA Visa/Mastercard
  • Citi Prestige Card
  • Citi Business Card
  • Citi Corporate Card
  • Citi PremierMiles Visa/Mastercard®
Why can't I redeem my available Points/Miles?
If you have closed your Citi Credit Card account, your Points/Miles Balance will be forfeited immediately.

If you have additional questions about your Citi Credit Card account, please contact CitiPhone at 62255225.
How is my information in Citi ThankYou Rewards connected to my Citi Credit Card account?
Information in your Citi ThankYou Rewards profile, such as address, email and phone number, comes from the information you provided at account opening. To update any of your personal information, please go to Citibank Online at www.citibank.com.sg, Citi Mobile App® or contact CitiPhone at 6225 5225. It may take up to one day for the changes to be reflected on your Citi ThankYou Rewards profile.
Where do I find my Points/Miles balance?
You can now view all your Points/Miles balance in a single glance on the homepage when you logged in to Citi Mobile App®.
How can I redeem my Points/Miles?
Depending on the Citi ThankYou Rewards features eligible for your card, Points/Miles can be redeemed for a wide range of products and experiences that include vouchers and cash rebates. Explore all the options available to you log in to Citi Mobile App®.

Simply follow the steps below to browse and redeem Points/Miles on Redemption Catalogue for rewards via Citi Mobile App®:
  • Log in to the Citi Mobile App® and tap on Rewards Currency Bar
  • Tap on 'Redemption Catalogue'
  • Browse by specific categories, rewards applicable for your available Points/Miles, or view the entire list of rewards
  • Select preferred reward and quantity for redemption
How long after I make a purchase with my Citi Credit Card will it take for my Points/Miles to appear in my rewards balance?
Points/Miles received on eligible new purchases will appear in your rewards balance within 24 hours of being posted to your Citi Credit Card account. Special bonus Points/Miles may take 1 to 2 additional billing cycles to appear (approximately 30-60 days).
What does Adjusted/Forfeit/Redeemed Points/Miles mean?
Redeemed points are the Points/Miles you have already used to redeem for rewards and have been deducted from your Points Balance.

Adjusted Points/Miles will appear in your rewards Balance following a resolution in the rare case that you make a return, or have a problem with a reward you received, or if there was a mistake in the way your Points/Miles were calculated/awarded.

Forfeited Points/Miles will no longer be available for redemption in instances where the Citi Credit Card account tied to Citi ThankYou Rewards has been closed at your request, or canceled by Citibank due to delinquency, before such Points/Miles were redeemed.
How are the rewards sent to me?
Vouchers are sent via normal post. For Cash Rebate and other rewards that does not need to be shipped, you will be notified during checkout when you will receive the reward.
When will my rewards vouchers be delivered?
Physical rewards vouchers shipped from Singapore will be sent via normal post to you and would at the minimum, take 7 working days, whilst delivery of electronic rewards vouchers would at the minimum take 5 working days.
Can I send my rewards to an address other than my billing address?
No, all rewards can only be sent to your card billing address.
How long are my reward vouchers valid for?
All Citibank rewards vouchers are valid for a period of 3 months from the date of issuance unless otherwise specified.
What do I need to do to collect my rewards?
You will need fill in your credit card number and sign on your Citibank Reward voucher before presenting it at the respective shop or redemption outlet to claim your reward. Any incomplete rewards voucher will not be accepted.
Can I cancel my redemption?
Once submitted, all redemptions are final and may not be cancelled.
This FAQ, is informational only and if there is any inconsistency between this FAQ and the Citi ThankYou Rewards Programs Terms and Conditions, the latter will prevail. (As of May 2024)
Important Information:

Click here for current Citi ThankYou Rewards Program Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Click here to view the Vouchers Offer Terms & Conditions.