Estimated Number of Months to Repay in Full (Current) is an approximate number of months to fully repay your total outstanding balance assuming both your current monthly repayment amount & an interest rate of 25% p.a.
Estimated Monthly Repayment (Future) is an approximate total amount you will pay assuming your total outstanding balance will be converted to an installment loan at an Effective Interest Rate of Y%.
Estimated Total Repayment (Current) is an approximate total amount you will pay at the end of above number of months to fully repay your total outstanding balance. Estimated Total Repayment (Future) is an approximate total amount you will pay assuming your total outstanding balance will be converted to an installment loan at a Nominal Interest Rate of X% (Effective Interest Rate of 10.5%).
The figure refers to the minimum payment amount computed by taking 1% of the current outstanding balance plus interest charges (assuming retail interest rate of 25% per annum).
Future (with Citibank Balance Consolidation Programme)