Deposit account

Deposits Account

Choose from a variety of our offerings to enjoy higher interest rates on your savings and suit your financial planning needs, even with options to hold it in your local currency.

Citi Wealth First Account

Citi Wealth First Account

Enjoy up to 7.51%* p.a. interest on savings. The savings account that helps you grow your wealth by rewarding you for your banking and wealth relationship. *T&Cs apply.

Citi MaxiGain Account

Citi MaxiGain Account

Get up to 3.01%* p.a. interest on your savings with Citi MaxiGain Account. It’s a simple and easy way to grow your money. *T&Cs apply.

MaxiSave Account

MaxiSave Account

Daily interest earning account that offers checking convenience with 0.01%* p.a. interest. *T&Cs apply.

Useful Information

Citibank Debit Mastercard

Citibank Debit Mastercard®

Enjoy exclusive lifestyle privileges with the Citibank Debit Mastercard Card. Plus, make cash withdrawals for your daily purchases and payments conveniently with your card.

Activate your ATMDebit Card

ATM/Debit Card Activation

Activate or deactivate your Citi Cards instantly via Citi Mobile® App or Citibank Online.

Request for a new PIN 2

PIN Request

Safeguard your personal information and banking transactions online with a Personal Identification Number (PIN). Call our CitiPhone self-service banking today.

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